
package result

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class AccountMergeResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  2. case class AccountMergeSuccess(sourceBalance: NativeAmount) extends AccountMergeResult with Product with Serializable

    AccountMerge operation was successful.

  3. sealed abstract class AllowTrustResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  4. sealed abstract class BeginSponsoringFutureReservesResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  5. sealed abstract class BumpSequenceResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  6. sealed abstract class ChangeTrustResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  7. sealed abstract class ClaimClaimableBalanceResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  8. sealed abstract class CreateAccountResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  9. sealed abstract class CreateClaimableBalanceResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  10. case class CreateClaimableBalanceSuccess(id: ClaimableBalanceId) extends CreateClaimableBalanceResult with Product with Serializable

    CreateClaimableBalance operation was successful.

    CreateClaimableBalance operation was successful.


    the identifier of the claimable balance created.

  11. sealed abstract class CreatePassiveSellOfferResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  12. case class CreatePassiveSellOfferSuccess(offer: OfferEntry, offerClaims: List[OfferClaim]) extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation was successful.

  13. sealed abstract class EndSponsoringFutureReservesResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  14. case class FeeBumpHistory(maxFee: NativeAmount, hash: String, signatures: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  15. case class FeeBumpedTransactionResult(feeCharged: NativeAmount, result: TransactionResultCode, operationResults: List[OperationResult], hash: ByteString) extends Product with Serializable

    After attempting a fee bump, the results of the transaction to be bumped

  16. case class InflationPayout(recipient: PublicKey, amount: NativeAmount) extends Product with Serializable
  17. sealed abstract class InflationResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  18. case class InflationSuccess(payouts: Seq[InflationPayout]) extends InflationResult with Product with Serializable

    Inflation operation was successful.

  19. sealed abstract class ManageBuyOfferResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  20. case class ManageBuyOfferSuccess(claims: Seq[OfferClaim], entry: Option[OfferEntry], effect: ManageOfferEffect) extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation was successful.

    ManageOffer operation was successful.


    the trades that were effected as a result of posting this offer.


    the offer entry that was newly created or updated.

  21. sealed abstract class ManageDataResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  22. sealed abstract class ManageSellOfferResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  23. case class ManageSellOfferSuccess(claims: List[OfferClaim], entry: Option[OfferEntry], effect: ManageOfferEffect) extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation was successful.

    ManageOffer operation was successful.


    the trades that were effected as a result of posting this offer.


    the offer entry that was newly created or updated.

  24. case class OfferClaim(seller: PublicKey, offerId: Long, sold: Amount, bought: Amount) extends Product with Serializable
  25. abstract class OperationResult extends AnyRef

    The result of an operation previously submitted to the network.

  26. case class PathPaymentReceiveNoIssuer(asset: Asset) extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because there was no issuer for one or more of the assets.

    PathPayment operation failed because there was no issuer for one or more of the assets.


    the asset for which there's no issuer.

  27. sealed abstract class PathPaymentReceiveResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  28. case class PathPaymentReceiveSuccess(claims: Seq[OfferClaim], destination: PublicKey, paid: Amount) extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation was successful.

    PathPayment operation was successful.


    the trades that were effected during this path payment.

  29. case class PathPaymentSendNoIssuer(asset: Asset) extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because there was no issuer for one or more of the assets.

    PathPayment operation failed because there was no issuer for one or more of the assets.


    the asset for which there's no issuer.

  30. sealed abstract class PathPaymentSendResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  31. case class PathPaymentSendSuccess(claims: Seq[OfferClaim], destination: PublicKey, paid: Amount) extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation was successful.

    PathPayment operation was successful.


    the trades that were effected during this path payment.

  32. sealed abstract class PaymentResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  33. abstract class ProcessedOperationResult extends OperationResult

    The result of an operation previously submitted to, and attempted to be processed by the network.

  34. sealed abstract class RevokeSponsorshipResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  35. sealed abstract class SetOptionsResult extends ProcessedOperationResult
  36. case class TransactionFailure(feeCharged: NativeAmount, operationResults: Seq[OperationResult]) extends TransactionNotSuccessful with Product with Serializable

    The transaction failed when processing the operations.

  37. case class TransactionHistory(hash: String, ledgerId: Long, createdAt: ZonedDateTime, account: AccountId, sequence: Long, maxFee: NativeAmount, feeCharged: NativeAmount, operationCount: Int, memo: Memo, signatures: Seq[String], envelopeXDR: String, resultXDR: String, resultMetaXDR: String, feeMetaXDR: String, validAfter: Option[ZonedDateTime], validBefore: Option[ZonedDateTime], feeBump: Option[FeeBumpHistory]) extends Product with Serializable

    A transaction that has been included in the ledger sometime in the past.

  38. case class TransactionNotAttempted(reason: TransactionResultCode, feeCharged: NativeAmount, innerTransaction: Option[FeeBumpedTransactionResult]) extends TransactionNotSuccessful with Product with Serializable

    The transaction failed for the reason given prior to any operations being attempted.

    The transaction failed for the reason given prior to any operations being attempted.

    If the reasons is fee bump related, then innerTransaction must be defined. Otherwise not.

  39. sealed trait TransactionNotSuccessful extends TransactionResult
  40. sealed trait TransactionResult extends AnyRef
  41. case class TransactionSuccess(feeCharged: NativeAmount, operationResults: Seq[OperationResult], hash: ByteString) extends TransactionResult with Product with Serializable

    The transaction and all contained operations were successfully processed.

Value Members

  1. case object AccountMergeDestinationFull extends AccountMergeResult with Product with Serializable

    AccountMerge operation failed because the resulting destination account balance would be too large.

  2. case object AccountMergeHasSubEntries extends AccountMergeResult with Product with Serializable

    AccountMerge operation failed because the source account has trustlines and/or offers.

  3. case object AccountMergeImmutable extends AccountMergeResult with Product with Serializable

    AccountMerge operation failed because the source account has the AUTH_IMMUTABLE flag set.

  4. case object AccountMergeIsSponsor extends AccountMergeResult with Product with Serializable

    AccountMerge operation failed because the account is sponsoring other accounts.

  5. case object AccountMergeMalformed extends AccountMergeResult with Product with Serializable

    AccountMerge operation failed because the request was malformed.

    AccountMerge operation failed because the request was malformed. E.g. The source and destination accounts are the same.

  6. case object AccountMergeNoAccount extends AccountMergeResult with Product with Serializable

    AccountMerge operation failed because the destination account does not exist.

  7. object AccountMergeResult
  8. case object AccountMergeSeqNumTooFar extends AccountMergeResult with Product with Serializable

    AccountMerge operation failed because it would be possible to recreate it with an earlier sequence number.

  9. case object AddDataInvalidName extends ManageDataResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageData operation failed because the name was not a valid string.

  10. case object AddDataLowReserve extends ManageDataResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageData operation failed because there was insufficient reserve to support the addition of a new data entry.

  11. case object AllowTrustCannotRevoke extends AllowTrustResult with Product with Serializable

    AllowTrust operation failed because the source account is unable to revoke trust.

  12. case object AllowTrustMalformed extends AllowTrustResult with Product with Serializable

    AllowTrust operation failed because the request was malformed.

    AllowTrust operation failed because the request was malformed. E.g. The limit was less than zero, or the asset was malformed, or the native asset was provided.

  13. case object AllowTrustNoTrustLine extends AllowTrustResult with Product with Serializable

    AllowTrust operation failed because the trustor does not have a trustline.

  14. case object AllowTrustNotRequired extends AllowTrustResult with Product with Serializable

    AllowTrust operation failed because the source account does not require trust.

  15. object AllowTrustResult
  16. case object AllowTrustSelfNotAllowed extends AllowTrustResult with Product with Serializable

    AllowTrust operation failed because it is not valid to trust your own issued asset.

  17. case object AllowTrustSuccess extends AllowTrustResult with Product with Serializable

    AllowTrust operation was successful.

  18. case object BadAuthenticationResult extends OperationResult with Product with Serializable

    The operation was not attempted, because there were too few valid signatures, or the wrong network was used.

  19. case object BeginSponsoringFutureReservesAlreadySponsored extends BeginSponsoringFutureReservesResult with Product with Serializable

    BeginSponsoringFutureReserves operation failed because there was insufficient reserve funds to add another signer.

  20. case object BeginSponsoringFutureReservesMalformed extends BeginSponsoringFutureReservesResult with Product with Serializable

    BeginSponsoringFutureReserves operation failed because the maximum number of signers has already been met.

  21. case object BeginSponsoringFutureReservesRecursive extends BeginSponsoringFutureReservesResult with Product with Serializable

    BeginSponsoringFutureReserves operation failed because there was an invalid combination of set/clear flags.

  22. object BeginSponsoringFutureReservesResult
  23. case object BeginSponsoringFutureReservesSuccess extends BeginSponsoringFutureReservesResult with Product with Serializable

    BeginSponsoringFutureReserves operation was successful.

  24. case object BumpSequenceBadSeqNo extends BumpSequenceResult with Product with Serializable

    BumpSequence operation failed because the desired sequence number was not within valid bounds.

  25. object BumpSequenceResult
  26. case object BumpSequenceSuccess extends BumpSequenceResult with Product with Serializable

    BumpSequence operation was successful.

  27. case object ChangeTrustInvalidLimit extends ChangeTrustResult with Product with Serializable

    ChangeTrust operation failed because the limit was zero or less than the current balance.

  28. case object ChangeTrustLowReserve extends ChangeTrustResult with Product with Serializable

    ChangeTrust operation failed because there is not enough funds in reserve to create a new trustline.

  29. case object ChangeTrustMalformed extends ChangeTrustResult with Product with Serializable

    ChangeTrust operation failed because the request was malformed.

    ChangeTrust operation failed because the request was malformed. E.g. The limit was less than zero, or the asset was malformed, or the native asset was provided.

  30. case object ChangeTrustNoIssuer extends ChangeTrustResult with Product with Serializable

    ChangeTrust operation failed because the issuer account does not exist.

  31. object ChangeTrustResult
  32. case object ChangeTrustSelfNotAllowed extends ChangeTrustResult with Product with Serializable

    ChangeTrust operation failed because it is not valid to trust your own issued asset.

  33. case object ChangeTrustSuccess extends ChangeTrustResult with Product with Serializable

    ChangeTrust operation was successful.

  34. case object ClaimClaimableBalanceCannotClaim extends ClaimClaimableBalanceResult with Product with Serializable

    ClaimClaimableBalance operation failed because the balance could not be claimed

  35. case object ClaimClaimableBalanceDoesNotExist extends ClaimClaimableBalanceResult with Product with Serializable

    ClaimClaimableBalance operation failed because the balance did not exist

  36. case object ClaimClaimableBalanceLineFull extends ClaimClaimableBalanceResult with Product with Serializable

    ClaimClaimableBalance operation failed because the trustline is full

  37. case object ClaimClaimableBalanceNoTrust extends ClaimClaimableBalanceResult with Product with Serializable

    ClaimClaimableBalance operation failed because the required trustline is not present

  38. case object ClaimClaimableBalanceNotAuthorized extends ClaimClaimableBalanceResult with Product with Serializable

    ClaimClaimableBalance operation failed because the requester was not authorised

  39. object ClaimClaimableBalanceResult
  40. case object ClaimClaimableBalanceSuccess extends ClaimClaimableBalanceResult with Product with Serializable

    ClaimClaimableBalance operation was successful.

  41. case object CreateAccountAlreadyExists extends CreateAccountResult with Product with Serializable

    CreateAccount operation failed because the destination account already exists.

  42. case object CreateAccountLowReserve extends CreateAccountResult with Product with Serializable

    CreateAccount operation failed because there was insufficient funds sent to cover the base reserve.

  43. case object CreateAccountMalformed extends CreateAccountResult with Product with Serializable

    CreateAccount operation failed because the destination account was malformed.

  44. object CreateAccountResult
  45. case object CreateAccountSuccess extends CreateAccountResult with Product with Serializable

    CreateAccount operation was successful.

  46. case object CreateAccountUnderfunded extends CreateAccountResult with Product with Serializable

    CreateAccount operation failed because there was insufficient funds in the source account.

  47. case object CreateClaimableBalanceLowReserve extends CreateClaimableBalanceResult with Product with Serializable

    CreateClaimableBalance operation failed because the declared reserve was insufficient

  48. case object CreateClaimableBalanceMalformed extends CreateClaimableBalanceResult with Product with Serializable

    CreateClaimableBalance operation failed because the request was malformed

  49. case object CreateClaimableBalanceNoTrust extends CreateClaimableBalanceResult with Product with Serializable

    CreateClaimableBalance operation failed because the required trustline does not exist

  50. case object CreateClaimableBalanceNotAuthorized extends CreateClaimableBalanceResult with Product with Serializable

    CreateClaimableBalance operation failed because the account was not authorized for this asset

  51. object CreateClaimableBalanceResult
  52. case object CreateClaimableBalanceUnderfunded extends CreateClaimableBalanceResult with Product with Serializable

    CreateClaimableBalance operation failed because the source account had insufficient funds

  53. case object CreatePassiveSellOfferBuyNoAuth extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because the account is not authorised to buy the sought asset.

  54. case object CreatePassiveSellOfferBuyNoIssuer extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because there is no issuer for the asset being sought.

  55. case object CreatePassiveSellOfferBuyNoTrust extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because there was no trustline for what was being sought.

  56. case object CreatePassiveSellOfferCrossSelf extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because it would have matched with an offer from the same account.

  57. case object CreatePassiveSellOfferLineFull extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because it would have put the account's balance over the limit for the sought asset.

  58. case object CreatePassiveSellOfferLowReserve extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because the cumulative amount of it & all current offers from the same account would exceed the account's available balance.

  59. case object CreatePassiveSellOfferMalformed extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because the request was malformed.

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because the request was malformed. E.g. Either of the assets were invalid, the assets were the same as each other, the amount was less than zero, or the price numerator or denominator were zero or less.

  60. object CreatePassiveSellOfferResult
  61. case object CreatePassiveSellOfferSellNoAuth extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because the account is not authorised to sell the offered asset.

  62. case object CreatePassiveSellOfferSellNoIssuer extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because there is no issuer for the asset being offered.

  63. case object CreatePassiveSellOfferSellNoTrust extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because there was no trustline for what was being offered.

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because there was no trustline for what was being offered. (This also implies the account was underfunded).

  64. case object CreatePassiveSellOfferUnderfunded extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because there was an insufficient balance of the asset being offered to meet the offer.

  65. case object DeleteDataNameNotFound extends ManageDataResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageData operation failed because there was no data entry with the given name.

  66. case object EndSponsoringFutureReservesNotSponsored extends EndSponsoringFutureReservesResult with Product with Serializable

    EndSponsoringFutureReserves operation failed because there was insufficient reserve funds to add another signer.

  67. object EndSponsoringFutureReservesResult
  68. case object EndSponsoringFutureReservesSuccess extends EndSponsoringFutureReservesResult with Product with Serializable

    EndSponsoringFutureReserves operation was successful.

  69. case object ExceededWorkLimitResult extends OperationResult with Product with Serializable

    The operation was not attempted, because the operation did too much work.

  70. object FeeBumpedTransactionResult extends Serializable
  71. case object InflationNotDue extends InflationResult with Product with Serializable

    Inflation operation failed because inflation is not yet due.

  72. object InflationPayout extends Serializable
  73. object InflationResult
  74. case object ManageBuyOfferBuyNoAuth extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because the account is not authorised to buy the sought asset.

  75. case object ManageBuyOfferBuyNoIssuer extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because there is no issuer for the asset being sought.

  76. case object ManageBuyOfferBuyNoTrust extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because there was no trustline for what was being sought.

  77. case object ManageBuyOfferCrossSelf extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because it would have matched with an offer from the same account.

  78. case object ManageBuyOfferLineFull extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because it would have put the account's balance over the limit for the sought asset.

  79. case object ManageBuyOfferLowReserve extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because the cumulative amount of it & all current offers from the same account would exceed the account's available balance.

  80. case object ManageBuyOfferMalformed extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because the request was malformed.

    ManageOffer operation failed because the request was malformed. E.g. Either of the assets were invalid, the assets were the same as each other, the amount was less than zero, or the price numerator or denominator were zero or less.

  81. object ManageBuyOfferResult
  82. case object ManageBuyOfferSellNoAuth extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because the account is not authorised to sell the offered asset.

  83. case object ManageBuyOfferSellNoIssuer extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because there is no issuer for the asset being offered.

  84. case object ManageBuyOfferSellNoTrust extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because there was no trustline for what was being offered.

    ManageOffer operation failed because there was no trustline for what was being offered. (This also implies the account was underfunded).

  85. case object ManageBuyOfferUnderfunded extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because there was an insufficient balance of the asset being offered to meet the offer.

  86. case object ManageDataNotSupportedYet extends ManageDataResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageData operation failed because the network was not yet prepared to support this operation.

  87. object ManageDataResult
  88. case object ManageDataSuccess extends ManageDataResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageData operation was successful.

  89. case object ManageSellOfferBuyNoAuth extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because the account is not authorised to buy the sought asset.

  90. case object ManageSellOfferBuyNoIssuer extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because there is no issuer for the asset being sought.

  91. case object ManageSellOfferBuyNoTrust extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because there was no trustline for what was being sought.

  92. case object ManageSellOfferCrossSelf extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because it would have matched with an offer from the same account.

  93. case object ManageSellOfferLineFull extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because it would have put the account's balance over the limit for the sought asset.

  94. case object ManageSellOfferLowReserve extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because the cumulative amount of it & all current offers from the same account would exceed the account's available balance.

  95. case object ManageSellOfferMalformed extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because the request was malformed.

    ManageOffer operation failed because the request was malformed. E.g. Either of the assets were invalid, the assets were the same as each other, the amount was less than zero, or the price numerator or denominator were zero or less.

  96. object ManageSellOfferResult
  97. case object ManageSellOfferSellNoAuth extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because the account is not authorised to sell the offered asset.

  98. case object ManageSellOfferSellNoIssuer extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because there is no issuer for the asset being offered.

  99. case object ManageSellOfferSellNoTrust extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because there was no trustline for what was being offered.

    ManageOffer operation failed because there was no trustline for what was being offered. (This also implies the account was underfunded).

  100. case object ManageSellOfferUnderfunded extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because there was an insufficient balance of the asset being offered to meet the offer.

  101. case object NoSourceAccountResult extends OperationResult with Product with Serializable

    The operation was not attempted, because the source account was not found.

  102. object OfferClaim extends Serializable
  103. case object OperationNotSupportedResult extends OperationResult with Product with Serializable

    The operation was not attempted, because the requested operation is not supported by the network.

  104. object OperationResult
  105. case object PathPaymentReceiveDestinationLineFull extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because it would have put the destination account's balance over the limit for the asset.

  106. case object PathPaymentReceiveDestinationNoTrust extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because the destination account does not have a trustline for the asset.

  107. case object PathPaymentReceiveDestinationNotAuthorised extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because the destination account is not authorised to hold the asset.

  108. case object PathPaymentReceiveMalformed extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because the request was malformed.

    PathPayment operation failed because the request was malformed. E.g. The destination or sendMax amounts were negative, or the any of the asset were invalid.

  109. case object PathPaymentReceiveNoDestination extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because the destination account did not exist.

  110. case object PathPaymentReceiveOfferCrossesSelf extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because it would have resulted in matching its own offer.

  111. object PathPaymentReceiveResult
  112. case object PathPaymentReceiveSendMaxExceeded extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because it could not be effected without sending more than the specified maximum.

  113. case object PathPaymentReceiveSourceNoTrust extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because the sender has not trustline for the specified asset.

    PathPayment operation failed because the sender has not trustline for the specified asset. (Additionally, this implies the sender doesn't have the funds to send anyway).

  114. case object PathPaymentReceiveSourceNotAuthorised extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because the sender is not authorised to send the specified asset.

  115. case object PathPaymentReceiveTooFewOffers extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because there were too few offers to satisfy the path.

  116. case object PathPaymentReceiveUnderfunded extends PathPaymentReceiveResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because there were insufficient funds in the source account.

  117. case object PathPaymentSendDestMinNotMet extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because it could not be effected without sending less than the specified minimum.

  118. case object PathPaymentSendDestinationLineFull extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because it would have put the destination account's balance over the limit for the asset.

  119. case object PathPaymentSendDestinationNoTrust extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because the destination account does not have a trustline for the asset.

  120. case object PathPaymentSendDestinationNotAuthorised extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because the destination account is not authorised to hold the asset.

  121. case object PathPaymentSendMalformed extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because the request was malformed.

    PathPayment operation failed because the request was malformed. E.g. The destination or sendMax amounts were negative, or the any of the asset were invalid.

  122. case object PathPaymentSendNoDestination extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because the destination account did not exist.

  123. case object PathPaymentSendOfferCrossesSelf extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because it would have resulted in matching its own offer.

  124. object PathPaymentSendResult
  125. case object PathPaymentSendSourceNoTrust extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because the sender has not trustline for the specified asset.

    PathPayment operation failed because the sender has not trustline for the specified asset. (Additionally, this implies the sender doesn't have the funds to send anyway).

  126. case object PathPaymentSendSourceNotAuthorised extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because the sender is not authorised to send the specified asset.

  127. case object PathPaymentSendTooFewOffers extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because there were too few offers to satisfy the path.

  128. case object PathPaymentSendUnderfunded extends PathPaymentSendResult with Product with Serializable

    PathPayment operation failed because there were insufficient funds in the source account.

  129. case object PaymentDestinationLineFull extends PaymentResult with Product with Serializable

    Payment operation failed because it would have put the destination account's balance over the limit for the asset.

  130. case object PaymentDestinationNoTrust extends PaymentResult with Product with Serializable

    Payment operation failed because the destination account does not have a trustline for the asset.

  131. case object PaymentDestinationNotAuthorised extends PaymentResult with Product with Serializable

    Payment operation failed because the destination account is not authorised to hold the asset.

  132. case object PaymentMalformed extends PaymentResult with Product with Serializable

    Payment operation failed because the request was malformed.

    Payment operation failed because the request was malformed. E.g. The amount was negative, or the asset was invalid.

  133. case object PaymentNoDestination extends PaymentResult with Product with Serializable

    Payment operation failed because the destination account did not exist.

  134. case object PaymentNoIssuer extends PaymentResult with Product with Serializable

    Payment operation failed because there was no issuer specified for the asset.

  135. object PaymentResult
  136. case object PaymentSourceNoTrust extends PaymentResult with Product with Serializable

    Payment operation failed because the sender has not trustline for the specified asset.

    Payment operation failed because the sender has not trustline for the specified asset. (Additionally, this implies the sender doesn't have the funds to send anyway).

  137. case object PaymentSourceNotAuthorised extends PaymentResult with Product with Serializable

    Payment operation failed because the sender is not authorised to send the specified asset.

  138. case object PaymentSuccess extends PaymentResult with Product with Serializable

    Payment operation was successful.

  139. case object PaymentUnderfunded extends PaymentResult with Product with Serializable

    Payment operation failed because there were insufficient funds.

  140. case object RevokeSponsorshipDoesNotExist extends RevokeSponsorshipResult with Product with Serializable

    RevokeSponsorship operation failed because the sponsorship didn't exist.

  141. case object RevokeSponsorshipLowReserve extends RevokeSponsorshipResult with Product with Serializable

    RevokeSponsorship operation failed because the account had insufficient reserves to cover the sponsored entries.

  142. case object RevokeSponsorshipNotSponsor extends RevokeSponsorshipResult with Product with Serializable

    RevokeSponsorship operation failed because there was a sponsorship, but the sponsoring account did not authorise the operation.

  143. case object RevokeSponsorshipOnlyTransferable extends RevokeSponsorshipResult with Product with Serializable

    RevokeSponsorship operation failed because the sponsorship can only be transferred.

  144. object RevokeSponsorshipResult
  145. case object RevokeSponsorshipSuccess extends RevokeSponsorshipResult with Product with Serializable

    RevokeSponsorship operation was successful.

  146. case object SetOptionsBadFlags extends SetOptionsResult with Product with Serializable

    SetOptions operation failed because there was an invalid combination of set/clear flags.

  147. case object SetOptionsBadSigner extends SetOptionsResult with Product with Serializable

    SetOptions operation failed because of an attempt to set the master key as a signer.

  148. case object SetOptionsCannotChange extends SetOptionsResult with Product with Serializable

    SetOptions operation failed because the options can no longer be altered.

  149. case object SetOptionsInvalidHomeDomain extends SetOptionsResult with Product with Serializable

    SetOptions operation failed because the home domain was invalid.

  150. case object SetOptionsInvalidInflation extends SetOptionsResult with Product with Serializable

    SetOptions operation failed because the inflation target does not exist.

  151. case object SetOptionsLowReserve extends SetOptionsResult with Product with Serializable

    SetOptions operation failed because there was insufficient reserve funds to add another signer.

  152. object SetOptionsResult
  153. case object SetOptionsSuccess extends SetOptionsResult with Product with Serializable

    SetOptions operation was successful.

  154. case object SetOptionsThresholdOutOfRange extends SetOptionsResult with Product with Serializable

    SetOptions operation failed because a bad value for a weight/threshold was provided.

  155. case object SetOptionsTooManySigners extends SetOptionsResult with Product with Serializable

    SetOptions operation failed because the maximum number of signers has already been met.

  156. case object SetOptionsUnknownFlag extends SetOptionsResult with Product with Serializable

    SetOptions operation failed because the flag being altered does not exist.

  157. case object TooManySponsoringResult extends OperationResult with Product with Serializable

    The operation was not attempted, because the account is sponsoring too many entries

  158. case object TooManySubEntriesResult extends OperationResult with Product with Serializable

    The operation was not attempted, because the maximum number of subentries was already reached.

  159. object TransactionHistoryDeserializer extends ResponseParser[TransactionHistory]
  160. object TransactionResult
  161. case object UpdateBuyOfferIdNotFound extends ManageBuyOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because it was an update attempt, but an offer with the given id did not exist.

  162. case object UpdatePassiveOfferIdNotFound extends CreatePassiveSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    CreatePassiveSellOffer operation failed because it was an update attempt, but an offer with the given id did not exist.

  163. case object UpdateSellOfferIdNotFound extends ManageSellOfferResult with Product with Serializable

    ManageOffer operation failed because it was an update attempt, but an offer with the given id did not exist.
